Hong Kong is easily my favorite city in the world. The energy, the food, the people – everything about it makes it a place that I always feel an urge to return to. Hong Kong girls are especially amazing as well. Why exactly is this?
The best way I can describe girls from Hong Kong is like being a mix of Chinese girls and Japanese girls – with only the best attributes of each blended together to make (what I consider) to be some of the most amazing humans on this planet.
They’re kind, beautiful, and very educated. They also don’t seem to be as biased as women from mainland China. This is important to consider if you are living in western western country and you want to date women from Asia. Being with somebody who has very strong opinions against the politics of your country isn’t always fun. The good news is that you don’t always have to deal with that with girls from Hong Kong.
What are Hong Kong girls like?
In addition to being more open-minded than mainland Chinese girls, Hong Kong girls tend to be more “worldly”. I mean this in the sense that they live in a country that has been in a tug-of-war between Britain and mainland China for decades. They’ve been exposed to both cultures for their entire lives, and that in turn makes them more aware of things going on in the world outside of their own bubble. Here are a few more attributes to be aware of:
They are kind and sweet
I’ve written before about how difficult it was for me to meet Chinese women when I was young and single, but that was never the case with Hong Kong girls. As a matter fact, my very first trip to Asia was to Hong Kong. And I was hit on twice (completely out of the blue) by two different Hong Kong girls while I was there.
- The first time was a shy girl who approached me to ask directions to a movie theater. You have to remember that I’m a white guy born and raised in the midwestern United States, and I 100% look at the part. The fact that she (a Hong Kong girl with broken English) was shyly asking me for directions in the city of Hong Kong was odd. Of course I was flattered by it, and it was a very sweet interaction.
- The second experience was similar. I was walking up Nathan Street away from the city when a very attractive woman approach me and just started talking. At first I thought she was trying to sell me something, but it turned out that she liked my shoes and just wanted to talk.
They are bold
So yeah – not only are Hong Kong women sweet and kind, they are also quite bold. I suspect this comes from the Chinese side of their culture, as this boldness was something that I wrote about in my article about the things you need to know about dating Chinese women.

This boldness is one of the primary reasons why I recommend foreigners to visit Hong Kong first if they’re interested in dating Asian women. Hong Kong is what I like to call a “friendly dating zone”, which means that the women are typically not as shy and/or stuck up as they are in other places around Asia.
They are liberated
As I mentioned earlier, women from Hong Kong are more open and acceptable of the ways of the world. They aren’t usually constrained by deep religious beliefs, and in that sentence, dating women from there is very much like dating women in any western country.
In contrast, it’s a completely different experience dating women from the Philippines. Women there are typically more traditional and conscious when it comes to love and relationships, and that may be frustrating for some men. The women in Hong Kong typically move faster.
How easy is it for a foreigner to meet girls in Hong Kong?
Considering that Chinese women like American men (as well as men from other western countries), it’s easy. In addition to my two examples that I described above, I’ve heard countless stories from other guys who experienced the same thing.
Not only is there a decent chance of a girl approaching you randomly (as long as you look friendly and approachable of course), it’s fairly easy to approach them as well. Even more so than SG girls in my opinion.
I didn’t have any game when I was young and single, so I was never bold enough to take the initiative to approach a girl that I thought was attractive. However, if I had to do it all over again, Hong Kong would be the first place that I would go.
It’s hard to explain, but the vibe is just different there. Citizens of Hong Kong aren’t as introverted and prejudiced as they are in mainland China, and your chances of striking up a conversation with a complete stranger is fairly high.
This is due to the fact that most people in Hong Kong speak English. Those that don’t speak it well will usually look forward to any opportunity to practice. That right there is one of the best ways to get a conversation going with anyone you find attractive. And that leads me directly to the next section…
My top 3 tips for single men wanting to meet girls in Hong Kong
Remember: Hong Kong is what I consider to be a “friendly” dating place! With enough persistence and determination, it shouldn’t be all that difficult to meet someone in this amazing city. Here are an assortment of what I consider to be the best tips to meet women in Hong Kong:
1. Walk up and down Nathan Street
If you’re not familiar with Hong Kong, Nathan Street is one of the busiest roads which leads into and out of the city. It’s densely populated with shops, cafés, and residential buildings. This is an extremely busy area, and if you’re confident enough, it’s an excellent place to approach random strangers and strike up conversations.

Even I as shy as I was in my single days, had a little difficulty getting the attention of women on Nathan Street. Simple eye contact and a smile was often all it took to get a smile and a wave back from a beautiful woman. Sounds cheesy, I know, but it worked! And besides: those little interactions were a pretty big deal for me when I was still a young inexperienced guy from the middle of United States.
2. Be confident!
As you just read in the last tip, a little bit of confidence goes a long way. You are going to have far more success by making honest efforts to meet people, and you can’t be afraid of striking out. Especially in Hong Kong! This is a massive city with a massively dense population, and you’ll always have another chance to approach someone new within a few minutes. Smile. Stand up straight. Not only look confident, but be confident as well!
3. Stay away from the tourist areas
Hong Kong is a city where tourists from all of the world flock to. Because of this, the usual tourist spots (such as Victoria Peak, the Star Ferry, etc.) are packed with people of all nationalities (Korean, Chinese, European, Australian, etc.). If your primary goal is to meet Hong Kong girls, you’re going to have to venture out deeper into the city a bit and hang out where they are.
Focus on things like cafés and specialty shops. Find out where the locals hang out and spend your time there. The main benefit of doing this is this: if you look like a tourist, the chances of someone approaching you offering tips to help you enjoy your time in the city are much higher.
FAQs about meeting girls in Hong Kong
Hopefully by now I have given you the confidence you need to inspire you to book a trip to Hong Kong. It’s an amazing city, and the fact that Hong Kong girls are so amazing makes it even more special. Here are some frequently asked questions about meeting Hong Kong girls:
What do Hong Kong girls think of Western people?
Although they typically don’t hold any grievances towards Americans, Europeans, in Australians, they aren’t as curious about us like mainland Chinese girls typically are.
Hong Kong is a very international city, and they are very much exposed to western media. We are not as foreign to them as some might think. Not only that, there are a lot of western ex-pats living and working in Hong Kong, so this is something they deal with on a daily basis.
How easy is it to approach a Hong Kong girl on the street?
Extremely easy! I’m the kind of guy who usually cringes whenever I hear stories about guys bragging about meeting girls on the street. It just seems so desperate and cold. However, there’s just something about the energy and vibe of Hong Kong which makes me have a different opinion about meeting girls that way over there.
The people of Hong Kong are friendly and open to conversation in my experience, and it’s probably the only place in the world that I would recommend taking to the streets to practice your game.
In comparison, Guangzhou girls are much more difficult to approach on the street.
Where is a good place to take a Hong Kong girl on a date?
A stroll up and down the Avenue of the Stars is a must. Yes, it’s typical and cliché, but there’s nothing that quite beats the ambiance of a bustling city skyline reflecting off the water in the distance.
After that, dinner at one of the finest hotels in town is a sure way to impress her. The nice thing about Hong Kong is that it’s a city filled with magnificent hotels, and there really isn’t any possible way you could mess this up. Of course, you’ll get bonus points for choosing a hotel restaurant with an incredible view of the city. For that, I recommend The Peninsula located at the tip of Tsim Sha Tsui.
Do Hong Kong girls speak English?
This may seem like a silly question, but since it’s one that I hear often, I feel it’s worth addressing. All you need to know is that most people who live in Hong Kong are extremely fluent in English. It’s one of the primary languages there, and one that is required in business. Hong Kong is a global city filled with global businesses, and English is the primary language you’ll hear within the heart of the city.
Since you brought up politics, many people around the world don’t appreciate our regime-change politics. To say HK is more “open-minded” in that respect is ridiculous. HK has been under the western yoke and U.S. influence operations for way too long.