Knowing how to meet Thai women (the good kind) is a skill that many single guys don’t have. Women from Thailand are more traditional – and reserved – than women from other parts of Asia, and they don’t respond well to typical pick up methods.
The best way to meet Thai women is in social settings. Parties and casual meetups with friends are perfect due to the number of people involved. Thai women tend to feel threatened when approached by strange men in a quiet places, but in public (surrounded by others), they may be more willing to relax and be open to casual conversation.
How to meet Thai women without making it uncomfortable (for both you and them)
There is definitely an art to meeting Thai women. I had no idea what Thai girls are like when I was younger and still single, and I never had any success dating in Thailand. Luckily, I have a handful of friends who have a lot of experience with this sort of thing.
Two of them live and work in Thailand. Three of them have a Thai wife or girlfriend. One of them is still actively dating (he is a white guy who has a preference for Thai women).
I reached out to all six of them to help me write this guide. The following are their recommendations for AsiaGraphix readers:
1. Join a local Thai language meetup
If you don’t live in Thailand, the best way to meet Thai women is to join a local meetup of people who are seeking to learn how to speak Thai.
Here in the United States, the people who attend these kinds of meetings come from all different backgrounds. There are usually a number of native Thai speaking people (both male and female), mixed in with a handful of others with little to no experience with the language.
These kinds of groups are usually very casual in nature, without a lot of structure. Not only that, most are completely free to attend. These are not formal classes, and because of that, it’s a great way to meet new people.
Check out to see what’s available in your local area.
2. Use dating apps (not hook up apps)
The good news is that it’s not just for finding older Thai women. Thai women of all ages are prevalent there, and it behooves you to go there first if your intention is a meaningful long-term relationship.
Warning: stay away from hookup apps (like tinder) when you’re trying to meet a Thai woman. There are two reasons for this:
- First, most of the profiles you’ll find are fake. Either that, or there not actually women. You’re aware that there is a very large number of ladyboys in Thailand, right?
- The second reason is that Thai women are not into hook up culture as much as western women are. Remember: women from Thailand are very traditional, and they value meaningful relationships in marriage over casual hook ups.
3. Make Thai friends
The easiest way to find opportunities to meet Thai women is to insert yourself into the culture. Meeting as many Thai people as you can (both men and women), will exponentially grow your network (and dating opportunities) more than you can possibly imagine.
Your new Thai friends will become your ambassadors. The more they get to know you, the more willing they may be to introduce you to some of their friends. And if word starts getting around that you’re single (and looking to mingle), it won’t be long until you’ll have other people trying to set you up on dates.
Of course, it goes without saying that these have to be true and honest relationships. It’ll be completely obvious if you’re just using these people to meet Thai women, so you must be genuine.
4. Go to Thailand and teach English
Unfortunately, the suggestion to become an English teacher in Thailand is starting to be looked down upon in an extremely negative way.
The problem is that there have been a lot of creepy guys who have gone to Thailand over the past 10 to 15 years thinking that this is the best way to score with Thai women.
Yes, it is still effective. You will meet a lot of Thai women by becoming an English teacher in Thailand. However, many Thai women know that many western men do this for the sole purpose of trying to hook up, and they will avoid you because of it.
It doesn’t work as well as it used to, and you may instantly be labeled as a creepy sexpat if you choose to do this.
If you choose to do this, I’d recommend having patience. Learn how to tell if a Thai woman likes you, and if you don’t see any of those signals from any of the women in your class, keep waiting.
5. Do business in Thailand
OK, let’s get one thing clear. I am not going to suggest that you go to Thailand, hire Thai women for your business, and assume that they will hook up with you. They won’t.
Several of my guy friends who live in Thailand are entrepreneurs. They have both male and female Thai employees. They create a great working environment, they take care of their employees, and everyone usually ends up becoming good friends outside of work.
Remember what I was saying earlier about making friends with Thai people? Well, starting a business in Thailand is a fantastic way to do it. Yes, having relationships with your employees is bad. However, having employees who want to introduce you to their female friends (outside of work) is a good thing.
6. Learn how to cook Thai food
No matter where you live in the world, learning how to prepare authentic Thai cuisine is going to attract Thai women. As a matter of fact, that’s exactly how one of my friends from the UK met his current girlfriend (who was born and raised in Bangkok).
He didn’t set out two learn how to cook Thai food for the sole purpose of meeting time women, but it just naturally happened that way.
Word got around in his social circle that he was becoming pretty good at it. suddenly he became known as the quirky white guy who could cook authentic Thai cuisine. And if there is anything that will amaze people from Thailand, it’s when white people can cook the food of their homeland better than they can.
Of course you have to be a very social person for this to work. You have to be willing to cook for friends, and more importantly, you need to advertise this as your superpower when meeting new Thai friends (both male and female).
7. Learn to speak Thai
The best (and admittedly most difficult) way to meet Thai women is to learn their language. It’ll blow their minds when they hear a white guy speak their own language as fluently as they can. Think of it as the ultimate conversation starter.
Approaching a Thai woman in her native tongue will totally catch her off guard. I guarantee that it’ll be nearly impossible for her not to start a conversation with you about it.